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Could We Already Have "THE Cure for Cancer"?

Updated on April 3, 2013

I've Been Grappling With a Way to Tell My Story...

Some stories are very difficult to tell. Words chosen to "soften the blow"-- may not have the power and impact that perhaps they should, if they were chosen from your initial impressions.

The topic of Cancer is a very difficult topic to talk about, much less write about. I wish that I could find the words to soften this, but if I did-- perhaps my story would not have the desired effect or impact.

In my opinion (based on personal observations and experiences), Western Medicine is using outdated and inhumane practices to treat cancer. It appears that there is a vested interest to maintain the "status quo" based on economic reasons... rather than finding a solution that would be better for the patients involved in these treatments.


Excuse me... but this REALLY "Pisses Me OFF"!

[[ I'm sorry, what other words can I say?... ]]


I KNOW, I Know....

I could soften this by saying this really "ticks me off" or "I'm really miffed".... but then, this would not be explaining the actual way that I'm feeling. It would be putting a damper on my first impressions -- and would not allow me to tell the story in the way that I feel that it should be expressed.

Ok, I Must Be On Target...

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

*** Gloria Steinem


If this quote is true, then --- I'm THERE!!!

Quote from a Facebook Friend...

(I just saw this quote, right after splashing my emotions and feelings into this article.)

"Let everything you say be GOOD and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.
Eph 4:29

Lord, I pray I always choose my words carefully. To love and uplift, never destroy."


[[ I HEAR YA.... But Sometimes You've Just Got to LET IT RIP!!! ]]

So, with this preface, I begin my story--

My Personal Background and Why I Feel It is So Important to FIND the Cure for Cancer

I grew up in a family that owned a funeral business. From age thirteen, I was learning the ropes of doing makeup there. Not only did I stare death in the face, day in (and day out) but I was putting lipstick and makeup on it.

Much to my dismay, an overwhelming amount of the people who were lying on the table were there because they had died due to the most dreaded and feared disease of our time... "Cancer".

This was emotionally agonizing and hit my conscience to the core.

I saw enough "worst case scenarios" with this that I began questioning the modern day Western Medicine treatments of cancer (i.e.. some form of "chemotherapy"). From what I was witnessing, it appeared often that these cancer patients had put themselves through a medical nightmare much worse than what the actual cancer could have possibly caused them. After seeing hundreds of cases of this, it appeared to me that medical science was no closer to a "cure" with the current popular medically accepted treatments, than if the cancer patient had done nothing at all.

(Looking at this objectively-- with a first impression type viewpoint)... The various stages of medically tortured bodies that I saw left me feeling that the way in which modern day medicine was choosing to treat this disease was as barbaric as how we would look upon George Washington being leeched (bled by blood sucking leaches) in order to cure his pneumonia. As a futuristic thinker, I could imagine people two hundred years in the future--laughing about how medical science had once treated cancer with the use of chemotherapy-- that was so potent that it caused people to lose the very hair on their head, eyebrows, and eye lashes. I could imagine that people living centuries in the future would have the same type of laugh that we have today-- imagining that George Washington was given "leach treatments" to bleed him in the hopes of curing him of pneumonia.

Surely, a treatment that could not distinguish between cancer cells and hair cells-- was a pretty antiquated and ridiculous way of handling this type of disease.

From a futuristic stance, imagine what a joke it is to actually realize that people were at one time being given a prescription to cure cancer that is so potent and toxic that they were seeing a bold label on the bottle that clearly stated that this liquid could NOT be poured down a kitchen sink, because this prescription would literally eat through metal pipes.

If this solution were so strong that it would eat through metal pipes, then why were cancer patients being given a prescription to drink this stuff?

Excuse me, I'm not a doctor... but this is just bat shit CRAZY!!!

It obviously made NO SENSE!!!


So, from an early age-- I fantasized about finding "THE Cure" for cancer.

In my heart - I knew that there was bound to be a better solution than the current options of torturous chemotherapy that the majority of people in my hometown were choosing as their cancer remedy.

Personal Relationships Also Helped Mold My Interest in Helping to Find a Cure for Cancer...

My personal experience with cancer first began at age six. My grandfather was a very active and successful business man during his era. He was always known for his outgoing personality, charm, and radiant health. He and I were very close. At age 62, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died about two weeks after being hospitalized. Although I was too young to understand all of the dynamics of this, the loss of my grandfather was very sad and this was my very first experience of grieving a family member and someone that I was extremely close to. The loss "hit home" and the connection with the tumor and cancer left a very strong impression on me.


About eight years later, my father had high blood pressure and took medication that resulted in kidney disease (kidney failure). By age 42, he was completely dependent on the dialysis machine for survival. In that day and age, this meant three times a week, he was hooked to a dialysis machine 10-12 hour days. His health and life quality were dramatically effected by this. This whole "medical emergency" had a profound effect on every member of my family. Dad was in and out of the hospital the next twenty-two years, each year- having "Life or Death Scares" that caused him to go through countless operations and extended hospital visits.

Although he was not actually encountering "Cancer" per say, the discomfort (physical pain and agony) that I saw him endure allowed me to more easily empathize with those patients who were living through all sorts of torturous Western Medicine chemotherapy cancer treatments.


About 10 years ago, I fell in love with a guy who's cancer fell out of remission and came on full force. He worked in the automotive industry as a service tech in an area of the business where a number of signs were posted as to the health dangers of the surrounding environment (the state of CA requires that signs are posted in areas that may cause health issues).

We had dated about three months when this transition took place. I witnessed a huge transformation in his physiology as he began taking chemotherapy treatments for colon cancer. Even the very first treatment caused his skin to turn a tomato red which flushed his entire body. He was firmly convinced that the only form of nutrition that he could absorb was from a non-stop series of fast food visits, so it appeared that he was really not open to trying a different approach than what led him to the condition of cancer in the first place. Medically, the only remedies available to him with his health insurance plan were traditional chemotherapy treatments.

It was heart-breaking to sit on the sidelines and watch what seemed to be experiment after experiment being administered to him. It appeared that he had become a human guinea pig, for the most part. At one time, he was carrying around an attaché' case and was taking over 48 pills a day (possibly more) and was in such a state of altered awareness that his next door neighbors reported to me that he could not remember if he had even closed his front door -- or not (before leaving for work each day). With colon cancer, there were nights when he would spend countless hours on the commode in such agony that it once again, instilled in me a very strong dislike for the traditional medical treatments of this disease.

His emotional demeanor changed a lot during this process and his once lovable personality turned dark, bitter, and abusive -- so we eventually broke things off. This provided another personal experience with cancer as a disease... and made me more determined to one day be a part of "FINDING the Cure".


This past year, I got a call from a mutual friend and found that my sister had an issue with breast cancer. Due to family arguments with my sister and brother after my mother's death, my sister and I were not on speaking terms. The news of this "hit very close to home". I was left with a horrible feeling of powerless to help my sister in any way.

I had been researching the topic of alternative cancer cures very heavily at this point, and perhaps knew something that could have helped her. However-- she is married to a pharmaceutical salesman and their side of the family have always appeared to have bought into the entire Western Medicine way of treating disease. With their current consciousness, she and her husband decided to perform a double mastectomy with traditional medicine and surgery.

Ironically, she was blogging day to day about the traditional medical experience that she was having, yet I knew that it would have been a complete moot point to have even opened a dialogue about alternative solutions. She wouldn't have been open to listening to this.

She chose the traditional route of treatment, probably not even realizing that a few google searches could have ended in a much less invasive treatment.

In her blog, she sited that they had found a couple of pea sized tumors and this was the primary reason that they were choosing to do the double mastectomy.

After this whole life and medical drama, they found that the tumors were not even malignant.

This must have been great news for her, but my intuition and common sense would have told me that a biopsy would have been a much more conservative approach than removing both breasts.


Steve Jobs passed away this year. Even though I never met him and didn't know him personally, his death took the world by storm. I have owned four Mac's over an 18 year period-- and felt a huge sense of grief that the father of that technology had died without the ability to have sought an alternative form of cancer care.


Each of these personal experiences have prompted (and prodded) me to write this article. It is my hope that this upcoming information may make someone else's "medical experience" a much less traumatic one-- than what each of these people have endured.

My Past Experiences Led Me to Question Current Modes of Cancer Therapies

Intuitively, I feel that experiences often come to us as a way to help mold our thoughts and beliefs.

In each of these prior experiences, I was shown that many people chose to follow traditional forms of medicine without questioning that there could possibly be a better way.

Nancy Drew Nature: Research and Findings

My Nancy Drew Nature kicked in. If there was possibly a "better way"-- then let's google "Alternative Cancer Cures" and see if my hunch was correct.

Could there be a better way to cure cancer than our current methods?



Google search after Google search showed that there were any number of different alternative cures which were showing incredible results.



Then, if there are already less invasive and less painful ways to treat cancer, then why are these not being publicized in a manner where the majority of the population is aware of them? Why have each of these "miracle cures" and "medical breakthroughs" not been shouted from the roof top and given their 15 minutes of fame on our national news channels?

Looks like this would be something that people would want to CELEBRATE!!!


Then it hit me...

If there were actually a cure for cancer that was less expensive, less invasion, and less painful-- would our current pharmaceutical companies, medical institutions, hospitals, medical schools... (not to mention charitable contribution agencies associated with these diseases etc)... be able to turn the focus from their previous paradigm towards something that may not yield as much income?

Economically.... NO!!!



Because the whole system has become dependent on the income that is arriving from the need to pursue "THE Cure for Cancer".

Think about it.

If there were already a "Cure" available... then how many trillions of dollars in cancer research would no longer be flowing into the channels that have come to depend on those trillions?


Living in San Diego Witnessing the Huge "Pink" Charity Fund Raisers

I moved to San Diego in 1996 and was exposed to a whole new phenomena. San Diego hosts a number of different charity events for medical issues. The 3-Day Susan G. Komen Walk is one of the biggest charity events of the year. People come from all over the country (more like WORLD) to do a 3 Day Walk in the hopes of advancing medical science where they can find the cure for breast cancer. This becomes a very "emotional catharsis". Women have family members who fly to the San Diego area to make their three day dedication to a family member that has either experienced breast cancer and survived-- or they have lost a loved one to this disease.

Basically, San Diego becomes a virtual Mecca for this event hosting an annual pilgrimage where people can bond over an issue that causes so many women and families a lot of emotional grief.

The marketing efforts for this event are tremendous. The entire city of San Diego sports the color "Pink". You can barely go anywhere, without seeing signs that this event is in town this particular week.


A few years ago, I was driving to my gym in the heart of East Village and it took literally over thirty minutes to even make it to the parking garage-- because there were so many people walking towards the Padres Stadium for this event.

As I was sitting in the car waiting to pull up to the gym, the thought struck me that I had just been researching alternative cancer cures and had found the Cornell breakthrough studies on cranberries killing active breast cancer cells.

Why were all of these women continuing to walk in a 3-Day charity event, when Cornell had announced a huge medical breakthrough that very year?

Obviously, because this medical discovery was NEVER publicized in a form where it hit the masses. The majority of Americans have never heard of the studies conducted by Cornell University and are not aware that cranberry extract has the ability to kill breast cancer cells.


Scratching my head-- I had to chalk this up to what I had learned in my marketing and advertising classes. The economy (as well as known charity events) are driven by the news of the day. If the cure for breast cancer is discovered in a Cornell laboratory but is not given its 15 minutes of fame by our national news sources, it is almost as if they NEVER made the discovery to start with.




"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"


And my question is:

If someone comes up with the cure for cancer, but the news is suppressed in a way where this discovery never leaks to the public... was there really ever a cure found?



[[ This is how powerful our media is, guys. We may not want to admit the power that "they" have. But this is the REAL "Truth" of the matter. ]]


Going back to the "3-Day Walk for the Cure"...

If each one of these people who had paid to enter this 3-Day Walk for the Cure had known that a cure already existed, would they have paid their entrance fee and committed to spend 3 days walking for the cure?

Hmmmm, no-- probably not.


This "seeking the cure" is a BIG Business.


They obviously have a vested interest in putting a cap on any known medical "breakthroughs" that counter all of the billions that they stand to gain by researching these particular "cures"... rather than actually promoting that there are known cures already available.



Billions are made off charitable contributions to cancer research each year.

NOT "Pink" But a Deeper Shade of Red Kills Breast Cancer Cells... Cranberries

What If We Have Already Found the Cure for Cancer, But The Cure Is Being Suppressed For Economic Reasons?

Could it be possible that we have already found the cure for cancer... but it is being suppressed because it would lead to hundreds of thousands of people losing income from "The Cancer Industry"?


There is a multi-BILLION dollar a year industry created due to the pursuit to "FIND the Cure".

[This is basic motivation psychology-- like the proverbial carrot dangling just out of reach of the horse that is gently guiding the horse further, however-- the horse is never allowed to actually attain the carrot... for if it did, it would no longer have the motivation to move forward in pursuit of the carrot.]


If a cure were actually FOUND, then what would happen to all of millions of dollars that were gathered each year for cancer research?

The "Cancer Industry" has created an economic base from research which feeds this industry. It would be like the dog biting the hand that feeds it, to suddenly FIND the cure... because this would immediately have devastating economic repercussions to all of the people who work in this industry.

Therefore, the cancer industry has become completely dependent on that same income to circulate year after year. What incentive do they actually have to FIND the cure?

If you really analyze this, they are more dependent on the income for research, than they are to actually cure people of this dreaded disease.


Videos that Explain the History of "The Cancer Industry"

Here are three videos which I feel are important to see, in order to look at this cancer issue from the eyes of a business.

The first video is a short trailer (the Cliff Notes version) on the documentary called "Cancer: The Forbidden Cures". This will give you a taste of what is included in the second video that I posted.... "Cancer: The Forbidden Cures" video.

This video covers a lot of things that will catch you up to date on how this industry grew into the multi-trillion dollar industry that it is today.


The third video is one that was mentioned in this longer version. It also shows the history and progression of what has become known as "The Cancer Industry".


Why should you watch these?

Because it is important to see how this whole industry has developed over time.

"Cancer: The Forbidden Cures" Trailer

"Cancer - The Forbidden Cures" Full Length Documentary

G. Edward Griffin: "A World Without Cancer"

Finding "THE Cure for Cancer" will require a Paradigm Shift

So, what do I mean by a Paradigm Shift?

A Paradigm Shift is a complete metamorphosis from one way of thinking to another. It is a revolution and transformation.

To quote an article found on

In 1962, Thomas Kuhn wrote The Structure of Scientific Revolution, and fathered, defined and popularized the concept of "paradigm shift" (p.10). Kuhn argues that scientific advancement is not evolutionary, but rather is a "series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions", and in those revolutions "one conceptual world view is replaced by another".

Susan Summers Discusses Alternative Cures Other Than Chemotherapy

Exploring Alternate Cancer Cures, Many of Which are Found in Your Pantry

In this article, I am going to disclose the links and videos which I have studied this past year and a half from google searches -- all showing the findings of modern research on how each of these effect cancer cell growths and other health related breakthroughs.

Many of these cures are basic ingredients that you could possibly have in your existing pantry. Some are fairly inexpensive (compared to pharmaceutical drugs or chemotherapy).

Quote by the Father of Western Medicine...

"Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food." Hippocrates

Tumeric: Cancer Cure and More

Experts say that Tumeric should be on your food everyday. Why? Because, there are 30 inflammatory pathways to cancer. Tumeric can stop ALL 30 pathways to cancer. Tumeric shuts off Cancer Switches.


The Video Says: "Women would be interested in this: Breast Cancer, take 1 Million women in America-- and the statistics will show that 660 out of million will contract breast cancer. 160 will not survive. But in India, only 79 out of million will get it, and there are 41 deaths compared to a 160 in the USA."

Curcumin shows that it has tremendous health promoting abilities.

Tumeric Curcumin: Cancer and Diabetes Cure. India Has a Significant Drop In Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer Rates Due to the Curry in Their Diet

American Indians Believed that Cranberries Were a Miracle Food

Growing up with my Grandmother's influence was very interesting because she hailed from a linage of the Cherokee Indian Tribe. She had a unique way of looking at life and always had a lot of very interesting sayings and beliefs on how important it was to eat a healthy diet. She saw foods as more of a medicine than just merely foods.

According to what I have researched on Cranberries, they are definitely a food source which can kill cancer cells, particularly when used in an extract formulation.

Cornell University has performed an extensive study on this. In their findings, they have a strong basis for showing that Cranberries are a cancer cure. The following 2 articles substantiate this claim.

Coconut Oil as a Cancer Cure

Its hard to imagine that the same sweet smelling coconut oil that is used in such tan products as Wiki Wiki Tan Tan can actually be a form of cancer cure, but according to this upcoming video-- Coconut Oil is a very potent Cancer Cure.

Coconut Oil as a Cancer Cure

DCA (Dichloroacetic Acid) as a Cancer Cure

Is a it possible that a potential cancer cure is being swept under the rug-- ignored because it would not yield the medical or pharmaceutical industries enough money?

According to what these videos say... yes-- indeed.

DCA Kills Lung, Breast, and Brain Cancer Cells -- But Not Healthy Cells- Cancer Cure Discovered, But You Can't Have It

Could Marijuana Be a Possible Cure for Cancer?

According to these upcoming videos and links, Marijuana is definitely another form of a viable cancer cure.

However, due to the fact that it was made "illegal"-- it is something that can not be openly used to treat this disease in the United States.

THC (marijuana) Helps Cure Cancer: Harvard Study

Man Cures Cancer With Hemp Oil (Cannabis)

Kansius Cancer Killing Machine: Radio Waves

John Kansius Machine: Radio Waves to Cure Cancer

Part 2: Kansius Cancer Cure Radio Waves

Kanzius Machine: Radio Waves Cancer Cure

Dr. Burzynski Movie (Full Version)

Burzynski Documentary: The Cure for Cancer Exists

The Burzynski Clinic: Houston Texas

Other Alternative Cures for Cancer

There are many different alternative cures which have been explored over time. So many so, that it would be virtually impossible to list all of them. But here are some videos and links that will disclose other cures that I have found in random searches on the internet.

(This is an on-going study. As I find new information or videos on each subject, I will add them to the article. I feel a need to get this information out quickly - before there are restrictions on sharing videos on the internet. Please gather as much information as you can and pass this information along to your family and friends).

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

One Minute Cancer Cure

Baking Soda Cancer Cure

Baking Soda Recipe for PH Balancing the Body

Baking Soda for Health

Essiac Cleanse- Cancer Can't Survive if Body is in Perfect Balance

Essiac Tea - Cancer and Illness Treatment

Every Cancer Can Be Cured in Weeks...

Dr. Hulda Clark: Part 1 "Cure for All Diseases"

Part 2: Dr. Hulda Clark "Cure for All Diseases"

Part 3: Dr. Hulda Clark

Fish Oil Derivatives Cure Cancer/Leukemia

Fish Oil Helps With Colorectal Cancer

Bloom Where You are Planted.... Right?

Ultimately, it would be wonderful to play the role in bringing together a number of different pieces to the puzzle which may help someone with a scientific background short-cut their learning curve where they can actually "FIND the Cure to Cancer".

Knowing my inherent strengths and weaknesses--I knew from an early age that I was given more creative gifts than scientific and mathematical gifts. I ruled out going the route of becoming a doctor, nurse, or scientist. I hated chemistry and didn't see myself actually pursuing something that I couldn't stand. Instead-- I pursued the arts, music, and writing. However, my initial fantasy of finding "THE Cure for Cancer" never left me. It comes back to haunt me when people on my Facebook pages talk about finding the cure for cancer-- and/or they are grieving the fact that a loved one has fallen sick with cancer-- or has died from the disease.

I do not have the scientific background to be the person who creates the cure for cancer in a laboratory -- but I do have the research and writing skills to be a person who helps the person who is researching this disease-- find the information that may help them achieve this goal much faster.

I also hope to provide those who are afflicted with this disease-- a faster path towards recovery and back to perfect health.

So, from the anguish that I felt as I was doing makeup on countess people who lost their lives to this disease, I hope to make a difference in bringing about "New Information" that showcases a number of alternative cures to cancer which have not been widely publicized in our news medias. It is my hope and prayer that this information may reach as many people as possible to light the way to a paradigm shift which may indeed usher in a cancer cure which will cure millions of this dreaded disease.

Proper Representation...

Out of a sense of responsibility...

As with any medical treatment, there will be treatments that work better for certain people than others. I have merely researched some of the many alternative cures for cancer and I'm doing my best to provide the videos, links, and research that I've been able to find on these alternative "cures".

I wish you each the very best on your path to recovery! May your own intuition guide you to what method will serve as your treatment! Blessings to You! Always.



"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."

Unknown Source



This Article is Open-Ended and a "Work in Progress"

As I find more information on the topic, I will continue to add to this article. (If you have any other options of treatment, please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom. We can learn from each other!)

Latest Cancer Information from Johns Hopkins


1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to STARVE the cancer cells by not feeding it with foods it needs to multiple.

What cancer cells feed on:

a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Note: Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells will starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes t o nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells.

To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water--best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.

Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.



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